Hi, just became the owner of Seal no 34 which I have had limited acces to as it is it is moored at the moment 2 hours away. I am moving her to her new mooring in Gourock next Saturday and as a newbie I am having sleepless nights about bringing her out the water. Mostly about taking the mast down however I think That I have a Handel on that due to the handbook. I will not see her until moving day so can someone let me know if taking the boom off is straight forward enough?

Brilliant site


Hello David,

I've just seen your post and I'm concerned that you're having sleepless nights! You should be having sweet dreams about your new boat - you've made a fine choice! I don't have a P21 but I can assure you that handling the boom is easy - it's light and requires only the removal of a pin at the gooseneck to unship it. (If you leave the topping-lift in place, the aft end will remain supported until you're ready to stow it below.)

You've got the instructions for lowering the mast. Just work methodically and it's fine - I raise and lower mine routinely by myself. Try to ensure the jib pole is guyed evenly to avoid the mast erring to one side but, if it does, you can correct it by pulling on the cap shrouds to guide it down straight.

Have fun! Best wishes,

Anthony Russell
P235/002 Sea Wyche
Anthony Russell
235/02 Sea Wyche
Thanks for your reply and advice Anthony. It's been a long time since I sailed and this is my first boat. Sleepless nights is provably not true, more like the feeling you got as a kid in the weeks before Christmas ! Was down at her yesterday and that has also eased my mind about de masting and trailering her to her new home on the Clyde.
Thanks again
