David Tilley
I must admit I was not aware of this outing, I thought there was a convoy going to Torbay that weekend but having just returned from Trouts boatyard having my damaged halyard extracted from the top of the mast, and given the weather conditions I gave it a miss. If I knew about it I would have definitely joined the festivities in Topsham, in fact those of you who came up the Exe probably saw me struggling with the new rigging at Team Spirits mast - surprising how much of a chop can build in what one thinks to be a spot sheltered by the hills!

David Tilley

David Tilley
Pete Rigby
I too was not aware of such rally neither. My sinbad is moored near to the green channel marker number 21 smack in the middle of the exe. Come the choppy weather it is a bit of a bugger to get out to and get on board. Spent a night on her once this year on my mooring and oh boy when the tide changed it was hell for the period. only managed one weekends sail throughout this year, not happy.